Monday, April 18, 2016

Having a bad day?

Have you ever heard the statement " I don't know why Gods' not listening! I thought when I became a Christian life would be easy!" I have heard it several times, and even thought it myself on a few occasions. Unfortunately, God never promised "this life" to be free of trouble. But He did promise to walk with us in all our trials and tribulations. Sometimes we humans tend to loose sight of eternity and focus on this very brief life here on earth. A hard thought  for me to swallow is the scripture that says "Rejoice in the Lord always!" When we come to realize that true and lasting joy only comes through God, His promises, and the expectation of eternity with Him, all the bad that this world throws our way is only minute compared to the bigger picture! Muscle builders have a popular saying " No pain no gain!" That's true in our spiritual lives as well, God allows us to have troubles in life to make us stronger so we will learn to rely on Him and fulfill His will for our lives, and experience true joy in the process, not a joy that comes and goes briefly from a passing temporary materialistic experience, But an everlasting joy that endures!