Satan, like terrorists has a plan also. He works night and day to do nothing but take as many people to hell with him as he can. Shouldn't we as Christians work just as hard doing the opposite? There is a story told explaining an interesting characteristic of frogs. If you were to place a frog in a pot with cold water and gradually turn up the heat, the frog would stay in the pot till it was boiling.
Satan has been using that on humans for a long time. Take a look at the movies and tv shows that are on tv today. If you were to have viewed the same shows 30 years ago would you not have culture shock? We gradually accept a little "bad" at a time and next thing we know we are way out of line from where we started. C.S Lewis in his book "Screwtape letters" says that the easiest road to hell is the "gradual one, soft under foot". There is a world of truth in that statement. Examine yourself to see where you stand, are you in hot water and don't even know it? Like the terrorists, we are called to die to earthly desires and distractions and give fully of our lives to the mission at hand, which in our case is sharing Gods love to a dying world. If we don't reach them with the good news, satan will definitely not miss a chance to snag them. A current popular tv show is called "The walking dead", unfortunately this phenomenon exists. Satan has the wool pulled over the eyes of so many Christians to the point that what God considers worldly ,( materialistic habits or distractions) we accept as normal American pastimes. Gods word says that we can't serve two masters. To whom is your allegiance? seriously? It's time to wake up, game is on and it's not to be taken lightly!
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