I have always harped on the fact that our priorities in general, have greatly hampered the growth of our personal relationship with God and the success of the effectiveness of the church in society. As I have said in previous posts ,what we do with our time proves what or who we serve, whether it be TV, sports, material things of the world, popularity, or God. Someone recently said " If God doesn't destroy America, He certianly owes Sodom and Gomorah an apology." Strong words, but a lot of truth in that statement. What does this say for you church?, hundreds of thousands meet every weekend in their massive "sanctuaries" to worship their idol (sports) and every week in our much smaller sanctuaries there are plenty of empty seats and a lot less enthusiasm over the topic at hand. To sum it up church, I think we have "dropped the ball ". Read your bible, pray...no, really...pray, set aside time to get to know God and you will find that you REALLY do have something to cheer about.This world is very temporary, the next life never ends, where will you spend it...your actions will tell!
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