Lately there has been alot of talk about gay marriage among other issues in our culture. Folks debate about their rights and freedoms and way too often fail to consider the long-term conseqences of their decisions. In my pride I often tackle a task such as assembling a Saturday morning project ( book shelf for the wife, rocking chair for the porch) and toss the instructions off to the side only to later realize that if I had followed the instructions the project would have worked properly and not have broken. I personally have two careers. As a carpenter a project is never started without referring to the blueprint. Failure to do so would result in a flawed, poorly built , unsafe structure. My second career is in security. As officers in that line of work we have "standards of procedures" that we follow to ensure that we are correctly and efficiently performing our duties required of us, straying from the proper procedures could result in a "leak" or weakness in security, and ultimately our job would be at stake. Our society also has gudelines that we live by, they are called laws. Failure to abide by them usually results in fines or inprisonment.
It's no big mystery, most of us who are sane know, respect, and understand that if we neglect to follow the laws in life, there are consequences, whether its public laws, guidelines at school or on the job. A lot of people however seem to have forgotten that there is also Gods law, His blueprint for our lives. Don't go there..saying that the Bible is not real or irrelevant...Many non-believers who have set out to PROVE the Bible is fantasy or fiction ( C.S. Lewis & Josh Mc Dowell for example), ultimately in their research and findings found that the Bible is exactly what it claims to be ( I will spare you the thousands of findings and endless details which they discovered.)
It comes down to this; just as we have laws in our land to keep us safe, protect us and to prevent total chaos, God has given us guidelines in the Bible that are there for our own good. Just as the engineer who designs the blueprints for buildings, God our engineer, out of His LOVE for us has given us guidelines in life to protect us, keep us safe and show us the road that, in the end will have the greatest return....eternity in Heaven as opposed to Hell.Think about it,this weeks tragedy in Conneticut for example, we wonder why we have guns in schools,something that was not an issue 25 years ago....It's because we have PUSHED GOD OUT! The absence of light is darknes,the absence of holiness is evil...plain and simple. So go ahead, dust it off and give it a might just find that alot of problems in your life can be resolved after all! God shows us His life plan for OUR own good,not to make life more difficult. In His own words: "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." -Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:28-30)
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