So it appears that a certian islamic (isis) group is taking advantage of American teens who seem to be searching for direction and meaning in life.If you are reading this and you are one of those searching teens, let me give you some solid advice. Christians who you are personally familiar with may not be the best role model for you but let me challenge you to try God out for yourself.
If you only look at the fact that Christianity is under more scrutiny than any other faith in the world, that should give you a hint that just maybe the reason that satan wants to quiet the Christians is simply because Christians are the only real threat to him. If we were not, he wouldn't try to rid the world of them. Long story short. If you're looking for a group of people you can call family, a group who can show you true love and compassion,an imperfect group who succeeds only by the grace and mercy of God, a family of believers who DON'T HIDE their faces like COWARDS, but lay down their lives for their faith, then get to know Jesus. Satan knows his time is short. He is called the great deceiver for a reason, isis is just the devil venting his anger in a last straw attempt to get at God. They are very deceived.The real truth is that isis will be right there in hell with satan himself.
I can give you numerous facts and historical findings that PROVE that Jesus is the ONLY ONE TRUE GOD. Feel free to ask,I challenge any islam to back their faith up with as many historical facts and prophesy's as there are for Christ?! I'll show you the proof that if you want to experience love power, and inclusion,with an afterlife that's real, not a lie ...give Jesus a try! You won't need a mask to hide behind,because God will make you proud to be who you are,because he loves you and takes you JUST AS YOU ARE!